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Scaling Up Bio 2024
Delivering Low Carbon Intensity
Canada's 9th annual industrial bioeconomy business conference
November 25 - 27, 2024, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Program 2019
Monday - November 4, 2019 - Laurier Room
17:30 - Welcome Cocktails – Laurier Room
Hosts: Gevo & AJW Inc.
The Kyle Jordan Trio: Courtesy of Conifex Timber
Tuesday - November 5, 2019 - Adam Room
07:30 - Breakfast - The Chateau Continental
Hosts: Iogen Corporation, and BioApplied Innovation Pathways
The Kyle Jordan Trio: Courtesy of Conifex Timber
08:15 - Welcome / Opening remarks: Jeff Passmore, Chair, Scaling Up
Morning Chair: Dave Watters, CEO Global Advantage, former Assistant Deputy Minister Economic Development, Finance Canada
08:30 - Canada’s Industrial Bioeconomy Strategy: Seizing the Opportunity: Sandy Marshall, Chair, Bioindustrial Innovation Canada
09:00 - Growing Bio-Companies to Scale: Canada’s Tools for Success: Iain Stewart, President, National Research Council of Canada (NRC)
09:30 - Canada’s 9%: Innovating and Adding Value to our Forest Biomass Resource: Beth MacNeil, Assistant Deputy Minister, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
10:00 - The New World Economy: Raising Capital for Disruptive Innovation and Cleantech: Wal van Lierop, Executive Chairman & Founding Partner, Chrysalix Venture Capital
10:30 - Refreshment Break
Host: Steeper Energy
11:00 - Mastering the Human Side of Project Management: Neeraj Nandurdikar, Co-Author “Leading Complex Projects,” Director, Energy Practice, Independent Project Analysis Inc.
11:30 - The Bio-Circular Economy – Getting Environmental Buy-In: Catherine Abreu, Executive Director, Climate Action Network Canada
12:00 - The Policy Imperative: Delivering Success on the Economy and the Environment: Dr. Warren Mabee, Canada Research Chair, Renewable Energy Development and Implementation; Professor, Queen’s University
12:30 - Lunch
Hosts: Shell & Enerkem
13:15 - Progress on the Path to 1.5?
Elizabeth May, Leader, Green Party of Canada, Member of Parliament, Saanich-Gulf Islands
13:45 - Thriving After Forty Years in the Trenches: The Role of Technology, Policy, & Financing: Brian Foody, CEO, Iogen Corporation
Brian will be interviewed by Chris Hessler, Managing Partner, AJW Inc., Washington DC
14:15 - Biomass Supply Chain Risk? We’ve got you covered: Jordan Solomon, President and CEO, ECOSTRAT Inc.
14:40 - Progress on the Commercialization Pathway
Chair: Sandy Ferguson, Vice President Corporate Development, Conifex Timber Inc.
Zeton’s Role In the Bio-circular Economy - Adam Whalley, Director, Business Development, Zeton
Perry Toms, CEO, Steeper Energy
Audrey Mascarenhas, President and CEO, Questor Technology Inc.
Pat Gruber, CEO, GEVO
15:40 - Refreshment Break
Host: Advanced Biofuels Canada
16:05 - Attracting Capital
Chair: Chris Henderson, President, Lumos Energy
Kim Furlong, CEO, Canadian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association
Tom Dickson, CEO, New Energy Risk
Shirley Speakman, Senior Partner, Cycle Capital Management
17:00 - An Interview With...
Ian McKay, CEO, Invest in Canada
Ian will be interviewed by Jeff Passmore, CEO, Passmore Group Inc.
17:30 - Sponsors Reception
18:00 - Hospitality Suite / Scotch Tasting with Beer Chasers
Host: Passmore Group Inc.
Dinner at your leisure – Byward Market Restaurants
Wednesday - November 6, 2019 - Adam Room
07:30 - Breakfast – The Chateau Continental
Hosts: Sacre-Davey Engineering Inc., and FPInnovations
The Kyle Jordan Trio: Courtesy of Conifex Timber
08:15 - Welcome Back: Jeff Passmore, Chair, Scaling Up
08:20 - Stephane Renou, President, FPInnovations
08:40 - Canada’s Forest Bioeconomy: Strategic Innovation for Commercial Success
Chair: Bob Larocque, Senior Vice President, Forest Products Association of Canada
Chris Walton, Executive Director, Centre for Research and Innovation in the Bio-Economy
Pascale Lagacé, VP Environment, Energy & Innovation, Resolute Forest Products
Marco Veilleux, VP Business Development & Strategic Project, Fortress Global Enterprises
09:30 - From demo to commercial: Reducing risk through capital assistance and insurance
Chair: Marc LePage, CEO, Genome Canada
Ziyad Rahme, VP Investments, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)
Sophie Dumoulin, Director, Cleantech, International Growth Capital, Export Development Canada
Derek Griffin, Risk Management, Munich Reinsurance
10:15 - Renewable and Aviation fuels in the US, EU, and Canada
Chair: David Dodds, Principal, Dodds & Associates LLC
Fred Ghatala, Director, Carbon and Sustainability, Advanced Biofuels Canada
Kateryna Derkach, Strategy and Sustainability Director, Green Aviation Research and Development Network Canada
10:50 - The Scaling Up 2019 Feature Province - Nova Scotia
Chair: Rod Badcock, Principal Partner, BioApplied Innovation Pathways
Brianna Stratton, President, DeNova
Fraser Gray, Vice President, Finance & Strategy, Sustane Technologies
Allan Eddy, Business Development Manager, Port Hawkesbury Paper
11:30 - Refreshment Break
Host: Zeton Inc.
11:45 - Open Innovation & the Circular Economy – Creating Value for Forestry and Agriculture
Virginie Chambost, Co-Founder and Principal Consultant at EnVertis Inc.
12:05 - Collaboration as an essential ingredient for commercial success
Theodora Retsina, CEO, API EUROPE, and American Process LLC
12:25 - The Challenge of Communicating about the Industrial Bio-Circular Economy: How’d we do?
Anton Holland, President, NIVA Inc.
12:40 - Closing Remarks / Door Prizes / Adjourn
Jeff Passmore, CEO, Passmore Group Inc.
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